Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do I get rid of ingrown hairs?

I have very sensitive skin and get ingrown hairs which in turn leads to pimples. How can I get rid of the ingrown hairs or control them?
Do not shave them too short.
Removing them is easy:Heat a needle so it is clean:penetrate the skin next to the hair and pull it out:then with tweezers pull the whole hair out.
I use injection needles for it:sterile ones.
do you get them after you shave?
that seems to be the main reason for them.
if that is the case you can reduce them by shaving the way the hair grows, not against it.
IE for a woman that would mean running razor down the leg iinstead of up. hope that helps.
Use tweezers. You need to get the whole hair out all the way down to it's root.
Leave the hair for a few days first. This will give it time to grow a bit under the skin, meaning its a lot easier to get out.

Sterilise a needle using TCP or hot water or something, then pierce the skin next to the hair. With practice or luck you will be able to get the hair out of the skin. What I do then is leave it a day or 2 as the area you've just prodded with a needle may well develop a little scab. Once the skin has healed, then tweezer the hair out. If you tweezer it out right away, the scab will form over the pore so the next hair that grows out will also be trapped under your skin. That is why I suggest delaying the tweezing!!
You could try growing a beard. The longer hairs will not ingrow.

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