Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can you figure out how tall you will end up being at your full height?

I am 5'8" and only 12 years old (male) and I want to figure out what my max height will be...
Theres a certain chart. But i don't have it right now. Some doctors can tell you and show you a chart.

lol...heres a calculator depending on your parent's height

heres another one. This is what your looking for. I took the honor to try to calculate it for you. Unfortunately, you height is out of the 97th percentage range, so it doesn't give you a number. You're gonna be pretty tall apparently.

Ooooh heres another one too:

Its more detailed. It combines height/weight/parents
umm..u can't find out exactly but u could get an estimate by a doctor. It also depends how tall ur parents are. Im pretty sure u going to keep growing bc lots of boys i know keep growing after 12, lol.
take your current age and multiply by two, then divid by 50%. That should give you a pretty good idea.
How bout you answer my question!! Lol ... I'm 5'8 right now and I'm 17 ... what's MY maximum height?

Well for you, I'd say maybe anywhere from 1 inch to 6 inches ...

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