Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do I get "fit" over the summer? (PLZ READ FOR DETAILS)?

All I have is my room, and 5 lb weights. Don't ask why. I can do like, 2 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and that's about it. Tell me how to get fit.
Go walking/running/jogging, ride a bike, eat heathy, play basketball, tennis, football.there is plenty you can do.
You have a PC, obviously, so, go to and you'll see the various work out moves you can do with/without weights.
Try doing hand stand pushups. There's lots you can do without weights but by only using your body weight. I work out at home and use dumbbells and body weight.
I can do 50 push ups and I am female, but I had to work up to that. I have the pecs behind the boobs to show for it and the delts/lats/triceps/biceps and a little of the forearms, too. Do reverse body push ups where you're working your triceps. You can find it on that website I wrote out for you. Also, stand against a wall and spread your legs apart and go into a seated position and hold for a minute. Nice burn working your quads, hams, and hips. Calf muscles are stubborn and no amount of walking will build them. You have to do calf raises: 5 sets of 30 reps or more. Calf muscles are fibrous and are very very stubborn. You can have wimpy thighs and good calves and your legs'll look good, but if you have nice thighs and wimpy calves, forget it, your leg'll look wimpy all around.
Go for a nice swim, run, bicycling. Not only will you lose massive amounts of calories, but you'll get toned in the process, that is, if you're not totally confined to your room. Hoist yourself up on a tree branch or install a bar in your door way and do pull ups..great burn and works out your upper half. Don't forget the crunches. Hold them for a few seconds in the middle of the crunches and squeeze your abs in the process. You'll really feel a nice burn. There are hundreds of exercises you can do and without your 5 pounders. Just remember proper form and to connect mind with muscle AKA concentrating while training. You cannot talk on your cell and work out, you'll waist your workout time and won't see results. You cannot fool mother nature.
Good luck.
i'd like to know this too :]

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