Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do i grow a beird?

ok my mustash hairs were a blond then i shaved them and there black and long so i got a mustash now now the hair on my chin is blonde do you think if i cut it will darken? im 17 any other ways i can grow one?
First learn how to spell it BEARD secondly definitely shave it shave again and again and again, my brother and I are a year and a half apart I shaved he didn't, so I got a wicked awesome beard and he still doesn't and this is 6 years later. Peace
DON'T shave
You let it grow...(its "beard", by the way.)
Is your hair naturally blonde? If so, a beard may never grow in darker. Why not just give it a try and see what happens?
I don't want to say this and sound mean but first grow up some more and don't rush it will grow as you mature and with shaving it will grow more let time run its course..
Well quit shaving, and I have heard that it is a myth that shaving will increase the amount of hairs that grow in, maybe it will help with the thickness of the hair that was shaved. But don't worry about it, it will happen and then you will have to deal with it everyday. So just let it happen because there is just too much to worry about in life to spend your energy worrying about getting a beard. Relax you will be old before you know it!
Other than not shaving you can always stop by a costume shop and pick up a beard.

Was this a serious question?
it depends on your background i think. im italian and 16, i pretty much have a full beard other than a few bald spots (its not funny) lol. its kinda thin but its still a beard. most of my friends dont really have facial hair or just some peach fuzz. i think beards grow more when your older like 18-21 .

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