Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do i get really visual abs?

i have a 6 pack, its just harder to see them
Lots of people have a six pack which is covered by a layer of fat. No amount of sit-ups or crunches will reveal the six pack unless you loose the belly fat. Kick up your cardio workouts. You have to raise your heart rate and get a good sweat going to blast the belly fat. Continue with a routine of ab exercises such as crunches and leg raises. Don't forget to work the obliques (side abdominals). Also Avoid food which is high in fat. Eat lots of lean protein such as chicken and tuna. It takes time but the belly fat will melt away to reveal your abs.
keep doing sit ups. and do them on the sides too. it helps a lot.

oh and dont eat junk
The only way to get a really visual 6-pack is nutrition. Eating just protein and vegetables and salads will help. You have to be very disciplined in your diet and not eat any junk or bread products. Its what the nutrition world calls eating clean.
I had the same problem, originally. You do have muscle, but there is probably still some fat around your abdominal area. Do more sit-ups and crunches, and I would also suggest jogging. If your problem persists, check out a personal trainer! Just one session will give you enough information to know how to fix it. Avoiding sweets couldn't hurt either.
Cardio Cardio Cardio! Do as much cardio as you can possibly stand, then when you're done, do as many different abdominal excercises as you can stand. The trick is to not only build your abdominal muscles to make them bigger, but also burn more fat. Yes, I know you're not fat, but when you already have a 6-pack, the slightest most minuscule amount of sub-q fat can make a world of difference..
Diet! Eating right is the only way. The guys that you see in magazines look like that because they "diet down" before a shoot. They basically starve their bodies of carbs and take off all of the fat stores, they also do a ton of cardio on top of the lifting. It is a grueling routine and very unhealthy if undertaken for long periods of time.
If you just want to see a healthy six pack clean your diet by reducing the refined sugars in your diet and upping the cardio a little to shed the fat.

Good Luck!

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