Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do i build muscle and bulk up?

Go on a diet to lose weight and get rid of exesse fat. There are plenty of resources online and here on that can explain all the different options when going on a diet.

For gaining muscle, you should lift weights and do resistance training rather than aerobic workouts like running. Sit ups, push ups, and other exercises like that are really good. You might even consider joining a gym so you can make use of their equipment.

I have found the perfect guide for you to build muscle and bulk up! Check it out:
Hey there Ufam,
to build muscle and bulk up you want to lift weights but be sure to keep the amount of repetitions you do between 6-8 per set and do 3-4 sets per muscle group. By the time you get to the last reps of each set and especially the last set, you want the reps to be "challenging"and the muscle group to be fatigued... If you are able to do all your sets/reps for a certain exercise i.e. benchpress, then on the next workout add 5 pounds to the previous weight you used. but if you are just starting out, go slowly.. even if you are able to get all your sets/reps for a certain exercise, stay there for a few workouts before increasing so that your muscles get used to being "worked out".. increasing the weight too fast and using bad exercise form can lead to muscle tears or injury (this happened to me). Also be sure to give at least one days rest in between working the same muscle groups. I used to work out my upper body M-W-F and my legs T-Th-Sa. Finally make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet and maybe most importantly, enough sleep. As you make gains in strength, your muscles will begin to grow to handle the increased poundages.. To do more than 6-8 reps per set will generally lead to toning / conditioning and not size/strength.. Hope this helps...

Not entirely true Dave... for most people today (exception - professional bodybuilders or people with extremely high metabolisms), eating 1.5X calories will only bulk a person up around the midsection. Many (most?) people can REDUCE their caloric intake and put on a lot of muscle and lose fat simply by cutting out fatty/fried/salty foods and eating healthier foods.
Everyone forgets the major step when trying to bulk up..eating. You have to eat a lot in order to get bigger. I don't care how much time you spend in the gym if you're not eating correctly you will never get any bigger. You have to eat 1.5x the normal amount of calories every day. The meals should be high in protein. As for working out you want to do less reps and heavier weight. You should be doing 4 sets of 8 reps. The source I posted goes more into detail but that's a starting point for you.

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