Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do I get my pectorals to be more flat?

I bench once or twice a week and am pretty happy with the results except that my chest is still a little poofy and sticks out more than I would like it to. Is it something to do with my form? I normally do flat bench press, incline press, decline press and butterflies as part of my normal routine. I've even tried doing many more pushups and dips to see if thsoe would help but my chest still remains very poofy/sticking out. Does anyone ahve any suggestions to make my pectorals more compact and less puffy? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.
You may have a mild form of gynaecomastia or high cortisol level. No amount of training will get rid of the puffyness if you have either of these. Go see a doctor to get this checked out and treated. Keep working your chest hard and use the extra padding to make your chest look even bigger. I store a little extra fat on my pecs even though I weight train daily. My chest is pretty solid and looks much bigger and stronger than my flat chest mates. Use it to your advantage.
Those same excercises, done with wide grips/hand positions, is the answer! It sounds like your form or position is the culprit... Try the same this new way, you already have the strength, but if you add the wide grips/arms motions, you will more completely activate the entire pectoralis muscles, which will more completely build the chest- both puffy and wide. Good luck!

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